The 4 Step, Fool Proof Outfit Formula

MappCraft | The 4 Step, Fool Proof Outfit Formula

MappCraft | The 4 Step, Fool Proof Outfit Formula

Wearing Clothes vs. Wearing an Outfit

From the stiff-ish collar popping out from under her sweater, to the way she half tucks her tee shirt to the quirky personal touches she adds to each outfit - when a stylish girl walks in a room, everyone notices.

We all know a girl that always looks put together.

This is her secret.

The 4 Step Outfit Formula

Styling doesn't come easily to everyone, but it's definitely a skill you can hone if you break the process down to basics. 

Step 1: Outfit Base

The critical first step to creating an outfit is pretty straightforward - start with a base. Be it a top plus pants, jeans, shorts or a skirt; a dress or a jumpsuit, the outfit base refers simply to the clothes that cover your nakedness. Totally utilitarian.

A lot of women start and end at this step. Sure, you can leave the house in this get up, but with no hints of texture or personality - no one will mistake it for stylish. 

I recommend going through your wardrobe and identifying 5-6 core bases to build outfits around. Select classic garments that fit well and reflect your lifestyle. This will streamline your process and provide a reliable template to reference when creating looks.  

MappCraft | Fool Proof 4 Step Outfit Formula - Step 1: Outfit Base

MappCraft | Fool Proof 4 Step Outfit Formula - Step 1: Outfit Base

Step 2: Add a Layer

Now things start to get interesting. Once you've settled on your outfit base the next step is to add a layer. Layers are like throw pillows -- they add visual interest, color or texture and may or may not serve a functional purpose.

Examples of layers include another top, a cardigan, a vest, a printed wrap or a blazer, leather bomber or denim jacket you plan to wear all day (not outerwear).

MappCraft | Fool Proof 4 Step Outfit Formula - Step 2: Add A Layer

MappCraft | Fool Proof 4 Step Outfit Formula - Step 2: Add A Layer

Step 3: Make It Pop

Woo Hoo! Accessories in the house! Now that you've got your functional base sorted and you've created dimension with a layer, it's time to add personality with accessories. Jewelry is a given, but also consider a scarf (around the neck, your head, your wrist, your ponytail), a belt, hair flair, a hat or a cluster of pins. 

MappCraft | Fool Proof 4 Step Outfit Formula - Step 3: Make It Pop

MappCraft | Fool Proof 4 Step Outfit Formula - Step 3: Make It Pop

Step 4: Out The Door

Look at you girl! Almost ready to go. Time to add the ultimate finishing touches - bag, shoes and outerwear (if necessary). The formality and details of your outfit will dictate which shoes and bag you choose. If you are feeling a bit monochromatic, add color with a bag. If the outfit is heavy on color and prints, ground it with neutral footwear. Don't be afraid to rock sneakers with a suit pant or a metallic clutch with denim. And NO! your shoes and bag do not have to match. 

MappCraft | Fool Proof 4 Step Outfit Formula - Step 4: Out the Door

MappCraft | Fool Proof 4 Step Outfit Formula - Step 4: Out the Door

"The Fool Proof 4 Step Outfit Formula" is an excerpt from my new e-book Tiny Closet Essential Survival Guide: How to Create the Ultimate Capsule Wardrobe, out late March 2017.

Join the TCESG launch list and I will send you a coupon code good for $5 off the Guide (reg. price $20)! 

Be the Bright,


(P.S. Click the heart and you'll have mine)