5 Key Holiday 2017 Trends That Are Actually Timeless
MappCraft | Holiday Trend Report 2017
Add These To Your 2017 Wish List, STAT
An effective capsule wardrobe is hinged on versatility. The trick is to populate 80% of your wardrobe with season-less, classic garments in neutral colors that fit your body and reflect your lifestyle. But that extra 20%? That's the fun part! This is where you add personality with color, texture, prints - and just a pop of trends.
What I am loving about Holiday 2017 is that most of the trends are timeless. For the first time ever - I actually advise you to INVEST in some of the trend options below because you're likely to keep it in your holiday capsule, for like, ever.
The 5 Key 2017 Holiday Trends
MappCraft | Holiday Trend Report 2017 - Embellished Denim
Holiday 2017 Trend #1 | Embellished Denim
Save or Spend? SAVE.
Why? While embellishment is timeless, denim cuts go in and out. High-waist flare legs with embroidered poinsettias might feel totally current today, but December 2020? Not so much.
MappCraft | Holiday Trend Report 2017 - RED! RED! RED!
Holiday 2017 Trend #2 | RED! RED! RED!
Save or Spend? SPEND (on classic styles).
Why? Do I even need to explain? It wouldn't be holiday without a pop of red! A well crafted cherry red cashmere turtleneck or scarlet suede ankle boot will make an all black outfit feel Festive #AF for decades.
MappCraft | Holiday Trend Report 2017 - Velvet
Holiday 2017 Trend #3 | Velvet
Save or Spend? SPEND or SAVE
Why? Velvet is having a moment, yes. But that black velvet pencil skirt will feel as perfect for a holiday party next month as it will next year. Those velvet platform sneakers? So fun! For now.
MappCraft | Holiday Trend Report 2017 - Impact Boot
Holiday 2017 Trend #4 | Impact Boot
Save or Spend? SPEND
Why? I never advise on buying bargain boots unless you plan on spending your entire adulthood with busted feet.
MappCraft | Holiday Trend Report 2017 - Holiday Plaid
Holiday 2017 Trend #5 | Holiday Plaid
Save or Spend? SPEND and SAVE
Why? 'Tis the season and get both. Splurge on the exquisite tartan plaid silk blouse (Midnight Mass sorted for years) and save on the $7 Target blanket scarf (as soon as you trip and coat one side in peppermint latte you can repurpose it as a tree skirt).
How To Look Amazing In Holiday Photos
Now that you've nailed down your winter trends - I'll show you how to create a micro capsule for the holiday season using clothes you already own.
Tiny Closet Holiday Survival Guide 2017 is your definitive resource for creating endless outfit options so you'll have something to wear for any event that pops up between Thanksgiving and New Years Eve - and look chic, stylish and festive #AF on Facebook all season.
Your Turn!
Feeling the holiday vibes? Share your thoughts and your looks on the MappCraft | Tiny Closet® Survival Guide Facebook group.
Or you can always call me and I will craft a customized seasonal wardrobe from the clothes in your actual closet. I’ll even make you outfit formulas and teach you how to accessorize. But don't take my word for it! MappCraft | Tiny Closet, Tons of Style® was named Best Service to Pair Down Your Closet by Washingtonian Magazine.
Be the Bright!