How To Stand Out in Black: S16 Outfit #4

Stop me if you've heard this one.

On Saturday afternoon I returned home after a long morning herding toddlers. I pulled open my shirt drawer to change into something comfortable and quickly sensed something was amiss amongst the cotton. 

My eyes expected flat textile but were met instead by a ripple of detail and depth. Suddenly, as if I was staring at an optical illusion poster in a long remodeled dentist's office, I realized what I was seeing. Languishing between a short stack of black t-shirts was a tightly coiled black snake.

Digest that while I address the thesis statement of this blog post.

How do you stand out in black? Texture! Details! Depth! Had my eyes not paused on the luxurious tactile quality of his grooved skin, I would have reached into my shirt drawer and grabbed an handful of cold blooded reptile.

Anyone who has ever been to NYC knows that black is eternally chic. Black matches everything, makes you look skinny and looks expensive. Black's versatility makes it a critical staple of any minimalist wardrobe. All I am suggesting is that you make like the snake and amp up your detail game. 

Unexpected Accesssssories

Second Skin Sandals

Haute Blooded Handbags